Harmony Baby Nutrition

>50% of components
found in human milk

Experience the hypoallergenic infant formula that replicates human milk composition.

Comparison between Harmony and the leading formulas on the market

Less than 1% of components
found in human milk

54% of components
found in human milk

Less than 1% of components
found in human milk

54 of components
found in human milk

Less than 1% of components
found in human milk

Less than 1% of components
found in human milk

No corn syrup, no maltodextrin, no sucrose (table sugar).

Made with the natural carbohydrate in human milk and enriched with 6 essential HMOs to support immunity and gut health.

The Closest to Human Milk

The first hypoallergenic formula with >50% components found in human milk—a natural, nourishing choice for your baby.

A Taste Babies Love

Designed for less rejection and better digestion, making feeding time easier for babies and parents.

Gentle on Tiny Tummies

Supports gut health and immunity with a unique blend that nurtures beneficial bacteria.

Be the first to experience the future of infant formula!

Sign up now for exclusive early access and give your baby the closest thing to human’s milk—science-backed, baby-approved.